2024 Trends International Design Awards – Home
Just complete the details below and Submit.
Then we’ll send you a link so you can upload your images, plan(s) and client brief/design rationale.

GROUP HOME BUILDER INFORMATION (for New Zealand Group Home Builder entries only)


Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
First name, Last name
Contributor name
Company name
Contribution to the design
This information is for identification purposes only and will not be published or displayed


Please supply as much information as possible about the products and services used
First name, Last name



I/The company is the substantive designer for the project listed above.

I acknowledge that all information contained in this entry is accurate and that the entry will be disqualified if it fails to meet any of the requirements detailed in the entry documentation

I grant permission for this project and related images to be featured by Trends in its various media and by related partner companies

I confirm that the client acknowledges me/the company to be the substantive designer for the home project listed above and has agreed to this project being entered in the Trends International Design Awards, and potentially being featured by Trends in its various media

If the entry doesn't appear to submit, please check back through the information to see if there is a required field that hasn't been completed

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